New Client Folder FAQ

New Client Folder in Google Drive - Frequently Asked Questions

1) Not all folders are appearing in my new Client folder (On the web & in Drive File Stream).  What should I do?

The server is taking time for all folders to appear for some people.  If you just added the client folder to “My Drive” it will take several hours before all folders get synced with your laptop. Please be patient, if you have had access for more than 24 hours contact us here.

2) I can not find the client folder to attach docs to an email.  Where do I go?

Go to “Shared with me” from Google Drive on the web. Then click “Add to My Drive” on the Client folder in Google Drive first to be able to see it in File Stream afterward.  This can take a few minutes before it shows in File Stream under “My Drive”.

3) It is a slow process attaching files to emails.  How do I make it easier?

Use Drive File Stream to attach files as you normally would within the Windows file explorer.

4) I don’t have File Stream yet.  How do I expedite adding this to my computer?  

Send an email to to get help adding File Stream to your computer.  

5) How do I attach files from Google Drive to email if I don’t have File Stream?

You can download any file from the client folder to attach it to an email by clicking the “Download” button.

Alternatively, attaching files directly from Google Drive is very easy in Gmail.  Just click the Google Drive icon inside any compose email window.

FAQ - Folder Protocols

Where are the final sold proposals saved?  

They will be saved in the Case Training Manual in the "Voluntary Benefit" Folder.  Final Sold Proposals Naming Convention: (YR.MONTH.DAY).file name.carrier name (if not in filename). 


Think you need more training on this whole process?

Review the training webinar hosted last week here.

Click here to watch the webinar

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