Outbound Caller ID in Talkdesk WorkSpace

Outbound Caller ID

  • Once you're in TalkDesk click on the Conversations icon.

  • The dropdown menu is displayed on top of the Keypad, allowing you to select your desired outbound caller ID per call:

  • Always push the outbound caller ID associated with the case you are working on. 
  • The queues you are assigned to will always show in the dropdown. 
  • Make sure you are selecting the case in the Outbound Caller ID dropdown so the employee's call-back number will route to the correct queue. 

  • DO NOT give employees your direct number to call back. Use the phone number dedicated to the case you are working on.
  • If the case you are working on does NOT have a number associated use ‘All Agents Queue’. 
  • DO NOT USE DEFAULT always select the number. 
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