Conference Call in Talkdesk WorkSpace

Call Conferencing in the Web Keypad

To add one or more guests and create a conference call in the Keypad, please follow these steps:

  • Click the 'Add Guest' icon while on the line with your first caller:

  • Your keypad will then look like this:

  • To add an agent to the call search for the agent's name, you will only be able to add an agent if they are available.
  • When you find the agent that needs to join the call, click on their name. This will call the agent. Once they answer, the new agent or customer is automatically added to your conference call, and you can start your multi-way conversation.

- Agents who are logged in and available to receive calls will have a green dot next to their names:

- Agents who are in any Away status will display an orange or red icon next to their names: They may or may not be free to accept the call.

  • You can also add a person who is not a Talkdesk agent or manager by typing in their phone number under 'External number
  • When you're ready, click Call (the new agent's or external phone will immediately start ringing).

Once accepted, the new agent or customer is automatically added to your conference call, and you can start your multi-way conversation.

If you end the call, all other participants will be disconnected. This is because the creator of the conference call is the one who owns the connection between the different parties.

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