Explore Custom Create Reports

Creating Reports

For a working-case example, we will set up a simple report of Agent Name and On a Call Duration:

  • Start by navigating to the Explore icon [1]
  • Then click on Create [2] followed by Report [3].

You’re now given 6 options on which dataset you want to use to create your report:

Agents Activity Analysis 

Calls Analysis


Feedback Flow

Messaging Contacts

Messaging Traffic

For this example, hit the dataset drop-down and select Agents Activity Analysis.

  • Click Create [2].


The next page is where you set up the report. It is split into a sidebar [3] and a main canvas [4].

In the sidebar, you can drill down and select the various fields associated with the dataset you picked. If you know the name of the particular field (filter, measure, or dimension) you can use the search facility to quickly navigate to it.

In the main canvas, you can set up and configure your filters and visualizations, and choose how to display the Dimensions and Measures. The Dimensions will show on the left side of the canvas and the Measures on the right.

For this example, in the sidebar:

  • Navigate to Agent Identification and select Agent Name (Email). 
  • Navigate to Agent Status Metrics and select On a Call Duration.

You will see the Results header is now populated with the Dimensions (in blue) [5] and the Measures (in beige) [6].

  • Configure your Filters [7], Dimensions, and Measures.

At any time during the report-building process, you can click Settings[9] (gear icon) to Remove Fields & Filters.

Now that you have built the draft Report, you can add more Fields [10], tweak the existing Filters [11], toggle the visualization [12], edit the visualizations [13], and view/sort the results in a list [14].

When you’re happy with the configuration, hit Save [15], give the report a name and you’re done!

Once the report is saved, you can Download, Send, and Schedule the report by clicking the Settings (gear icon). You’ll also see the options to Edit, Edit Settings, and Clear Cache & Refresh.

The Reports are stored on the Explore page under My Reports. You will also see that you can select it from any of the drop-down lists included on each Report page in the top right corner of your screen.

You can also use the Schedule Only toggle on the Landing page to identify which reports you have created that also have a schedule set by you. Or, just tap the name of your report into the search bar to quickly retrieve it.

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