Uploading and Sharing on Google Drive

In this example, we will be using Google Chrome as the web browser however you can use any compatible web browser to upload and share files on Google Drive but there may be some variation in the steps below and Chrome is the preferred browser when using Google Drive since it has many features not available on other browsers.

Steps for sharing a document through Google Drive

Step 1: First you need to sign in to your Google Drive. You can do this by going to www.drive.google.com or you can click the Google Apps button on the top right corner of the Google webpage. If you are signed in to your email you can click on the Google Apps button on the top right corner and select the Google Drive option.        

From Google webpage:

From Email:

 Step 2: There are three different ways to upload files into Google Drive.

 Method 1: (This method will only work if you are using the Google Chrome Internet Browser.) This will be the easiest method to upload files, all you have to do is select the file from your computer that you want to upload and then drag it and drop it into your google drive. This will automatically save the file to your Drive.

Method 2: The second method is to right click inside your Google Drive and then select the "Upload Files" option from the menu that pops up.

Selecting the "Upload Files" option will open up a new window that will let you navigate between your computers folders so that you can select the file you want to upload. Once you have selected the file you want to upload you can simply click on the "Open" option to upload the file.

Method 3: A third option for uploading files is to click on the "New" option in the top left corner of the Google Drive website. This will cause a drop down menu to appear. From this menu you can select the "File Upload" option to be able to upload a file.

When this option is selected a new window will appear. This window will allow you to navigate between your computers folders so that you can select the file you will wan to upload. Once you have selected the file you wan to upload you can simply click on the "Open" option to upload the file.

 Added Note: From methods 2 and 3 you can see that you can create and upload folders into your Google Drive as well. You can also create Word (Docs), Excel (Sheets), and Power Points (Slides) that will automatically be save to your Google Drive.

 Step 3: Just like there are different ways of uploading files there are also different ways of sharing files.

 Method 1: The first method is going to apply only if you want to share a file that you have just recently uploaded. You can do this by clicking on the "Share" option of the Uploads Completed pop up that appears in the bottom right of the Google Drive page. This will cause a pop up to appear.

               In this pop up you can type in the emails of the people you want to share the file with. You can also select if you will want these people to have editing privileges or viewing privileges of the file you will be sharing with them.

(When adding multiple emails separate them with a semicolon (";"). For example: support@eoiservice.com; testemail@eoiservice.com

Method 2: The second option is to right click the file on Google Drive that you will want to share. By right clicking the file it will cause a menu to appear from which you will select the "Share" option.

This will cause a pop up to appear. In this pop up you can type in the emails of the people you want to share the file with you can also select if you will want these people to have editing privileges or viewing privileges of the file you will share with them.

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