GOOGLE - Device Policy Manager

GSuite Mobile Device Policy Management

The Google Apps Device Policy is a tool used to help secure company data on mobile devices. The same way data has to be secured on your laptop to comply with HIPPA laws it also applies to your company phone. With that being said we use Google's Mobile Device Policy Manager to help.  This app does not give complete access and control of the phone to the Device Administrator, it only gives the ability to control the data linked to the account. 

As an Admin, we can only:

  • Enforce screen locks or passcodes to secure devices.
  • Wipe corporate data on devices.
  • Search for devices if lost or stolen
  • View date of first and last sync
  • See device password status (locked/unlocked)
  • Compromised Status (for example, the device has been rooted), Not compromised, Unresolved
  • Encryption status (Encrypted, Not encrypted, Unsupported)
  • View device Name, Model, Version Number, and Serial Number

Outside of those things we can not do anything with any personal data or accounts you added to the phone.

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