Recording WebEx Meeting


This guide will walk you through the steps to record a WebEx meeting locally to your computer. 

Note: To play and edit a WebEx recorded meeting you must install the WRF WebEx Recording Editor found here:

Note: You can only record the audio from your computer in this WebEx meeting. Other user’s audio will not record during this meeting. 

Set Meeting Recorder to Save on Local Computer

Step 1. Launch a WebEx meeting

Step 2. Select Meeting > Recorder Settings > Record on this computer. 

Step 3. Select Record audio from this computer if not already selected. 

Record Meeting 

Step 1. From the main WebEx meeting screen, click the Record button to start recording your meeting. 

Step 2. Select the location to save your meeting, then click Save. 

Step 3. Click the (Record) button to start recording. 

Use the recorder panel to stop, pause, and continue recording your meeting. 

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