Zix Email Encryption FAQ

      Why are my emails getting encrypted?

      There are a number of reasons your email will get encrypted.  EOI has automated message encryption to help prevent any sensitive data from getting into the wrong hands.  Some of these might be the cause:

    • Sending a message with information such as a Social Security number, Date of Birth, Policy Number, Health or HR information, etc. This includes information inside of attached documents and spreadsheets.
    • You might be have included a keyword trigger in the subject line of your email. Click here for the subject line keywords.
    • You might be sending it to another Zix user which makes encryption of all messages automatic and transparent.

      How do I know it was protected?

      Generally, speaking if the message was automatically encrypted then you will get a Released Message Notification from  Do_Not_Reply@eoiservice.com stating that the message was delivered encrypted to the intended recipient.

      If you want to be sure the message gets encrypted you can do a subject line keyword trigger to encrypt your email.

      NOTE: This is especially important if you want to secure a message that has an image file with sensitive information attached. Such as a picture of a social security card or driver's license as the image will not automatically get scanned.

      Does the person receiving it need to do anything?

      If the recipient is as a Zix user then they do not need to do anything.  ZixCorp has a fully transparent system of an end to end encryption.  If they are not a Zix user then they will be taken to the  EOI Secure Portal where they can create a password to sign in and view the message.  The recipient can respond back from within this portal to make sure all communications are secure if they are not using Zix.


      Can the recipient tell it was protected?

        • If the recipient uses ZixCorp they will see a blue banner on the message letting them know it was encrypted with Zix. 
        • Otherwise, they will receive a message with a link to the secure portal where they can access the message.

      Do I need to encrypt it for other accounts at eoiservice.com?

      No, all email within eoiservice.com is automatically encrypted and secure.  There is nothing for you to do further.  Messages with recipients only going to another account at eoiservice.com will NOT show the blue ZixCorp banner.

      I did not receive a bounce-back message confirming it was encrypted what do I do?

      If you are concerned a message was not sent securely you can contact support@eoiservice.com with the details of the message and we can check it out for you.

      What if someone forgot their password to the portal?

      Use the “ Forgot your password?” link to create a new password. An email with a verification link will be sent out.

      Are there any messages that do NOT automatically get encrypted?

      The most common message that would need to get protected but will not automatically be encrypted is a message containing logins or passwords to systems.  If you are sending an email or file with a list of passwords it is ALWAYS recommended to use one of the  subject line keywords to protect the message.

      Also, messages with image/picture or video files that contain sensitive information will not automatically get scanned and encrypted based on the content of those files. For example, if you took a photo of a handwritten application and attached it to the email, this would NOT automatically get encrypted. Those file types include but are not limited to: .jpg, .gif, .pst, .tiff, .png, .mp4, .avi, .wmv, .mov, etc.  If you are sending these type of media files to be sure to add the subject line keyword to send it securely.

      What if I don't want my message getting encrypted but it is?

      The best thing to prevent false positives from occurring is if you have a file or wording that in a document that sounds like it would contain someone's HR data (such as a benefit guide or template with examples of employee data) is to  make a link to the document that you are sending instead of attaching the file itself.  This will help minimize the files that do not contain anything sensitive and prevent the system from triggering automatic encryption.

      What other companies use Zix for encryption?

      There many other organizations using ZixCorp for email encryption. For a detailed list  click here.  The messages to these companies will automatically get encrypted using ZixCorp regardless of the content.

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