Zix Keyword Email Encryption

ZixCorp provides EOI Service Company with automatic email encryption.  This can help significantly in making sure sensitive data does not get exposed. There are times, however, when certain messages need to be triggered for encryption such as when you want to send a picture or handwritten letter that the system will not be able to automatically read as an email attachment.  

Specific examples to USE keyword encryption included the following:

  • Media files including audio recordings, videos, and images with sensitive information.
  • Screenshots or screen recordings that capture sensitive information.
  • Handwritten forms that have been scanned with personal info.
  • A message containing a password or login info.
  • A scanned image or file of a drivers license, social security card, passport, etc.
  • To provide a secure way for the recipient to reply to you with sensitive info.

Always use your best judgment when sending possible protected information and if unsure it is best to proceed with caution using a keyword trigger.  For these cases, you can do a keyword trigger by typing keywords anywhere in the subject line of your message. These words are not case sensitive and can be used anywhere in the subject line including inside of brackets.  These are the keywords you can use:




Here are a few examples of keyword triggers in the subject line of the email that WILL get encrypted:

SUBJECT: ZIXEncrypt - Confidential Handwritten Letter
SUBJECT: Hospital X-Ray Images and Test Results (ENCRYPT)
SUBJECT: Census file attached [EOISecure]
SUBJECT: Reply to this message using the secure portal (ZixEncrypt)
SUBJECT: Encrypt attached new hire social security card
SUBJECT: eoisecure sensitive video file is attached

If you have any questions about using ZixCorp email encryption please contact EOI support for help.

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